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Biophilic design in architecture, which integrates natural elements into the built environment, can significantly enhance workplace productivity by fostering a connection with nature that improves overall well-being and cognitive function. Studies have shown that incorporating features such as natural lighting, indoor plants, water features, and natural materials can reduce stress, increase creativity, and see up to a 20% increase in employee productivity

Sustainability has become a cornerstone of modern architecture, reflecting a global shift towards environmental responsibility. As we move through 2024, innovative practices and technologies are transforming how we design and construct buildings. At Pickard Chilton, our architect and designers are at the forefront of this movement, exploring new ways to create spaces that are not only functional and aesthetically pleasing but also environmentally sustainable. In this article, emerging trends in sustainable architecture are explored, showcasing our commitment to creating a more environmentally friendly future. 

When designing each building, our team remains involved throughout the design process, committed to finding solutions that not only meet the needs of our clients but also contribute positively to the environment and the larger community. Our aim is to craft a seamless experience, from the skyline to the smallest details, such as a doorknob. The incorporation of texture is no exception to this holistic approach; whether manifested in the facade design, the silhouette of the building, or the carefully selected materials, texture takes a multifaceted role in our designs. This exploration underscores its dual significance—functionality and the creation of a sense of belonging within the community

The Pickard Chilton Travel Fellowship, awarded to individuals demonstrating exceptional promise in architectural exploration and research, provided Owen Marhefka, Pickard Chilton associate, with a unique opportunity to delve into the evolving landscape of co-working environments. With a profound interest in the convergence of architecture and modern workplace trends, Owen set out to examine the intricacies of co-working spaces across prominent cities. Through meticulous observation and analysis, Owen's exploration aimed to uncover insights into the innovative architectural features and client-centric approaches that define these dynamic work environments.

A thoughtfully-designed city and its master plan can wield transformative influence over a community, shaping its very heart and soul. In undertaking the master plan of a future city or community, we explore how best to redefine urban landscapes and to create thriving, sustainable communities. Pickard Chilton is committed to advancing the design of future city master planning, with a focus on fostering mixed-use sustainable developments and innovative urban spaces.

When Pickard Chilton embarks on the journey of designing a building, we draw inspiration from a myriad of sources to craft structures that are rooted in the character of a city. Our design philosophy is profoundly influenced by the words of Eliel Saarinen: "Always design a thing by considering it in its next larger context – a chair in a room, a room in a house, a house in an environment, an environment in a city plan." Pickard Chilton takes these words to heart and carefully determines how our buildings shape the experience of those within them and their impact on the broader urban context.
